Speciality Courses

Bulld your Confidence and Skills by completing our Speciality Course

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Project Aware Course

The course philosophy for the Project Aware Course is that is designed to introduce participants to the Project Aware movement and provide guidance to help individuals take action that bring about positive change to the ocean.

The goals are to introduce you to project aware and its mission, familiarise participants with the 10 tips for dives to protect the ocean planet, guide you to personal commitments and actions that can help the environment.

There are no prerequisites for this course except to have an interest in our planet.

There are no dives involved in this course.

There are no exams but there are Knowledge Reviews to fill in.

Boat Diver Course

Boats allow you to explore spectacular dive sites not easily accessible from shore.

Imagine no entries through surf, no long surface swims, no navigational wizardry to find the site and no air gone from your cylinder to arrive at the reef you wanted to explore. Instead – effortlessly entering the water from the transom of a boat, in moments you and your buddy descend to the site, diving visibility 30-40 metres, wrecks and reefs with lots of life, sea lions, octopus, giant kelp forests teaming with life.

Although there are many great dive sites accessible from the shore, some of the worlds best dive sites are only accessible by boat.

The philosophy of the PADI boat diver course is to focus on the comfort and ease of diving from a boat.

The goal is to teach you a systematic methodical approach to enjoying boat diving.

You will learn boat terminology, types of boats, basic rules and boat safety, safety equipment, diving procedures and etiquette.

A Knowledge Review to complete and 2 open water dives

PADI Open Water [Jr]
Minimum age 10 years

Deep Diver Course

The course philosophy for the PADI Deep Diver Course that deep diving is a means to an end.

You make a deep dive to either see something or to something you cannot do at shallower depths.

Deep diving opens the doors to many new exciting dive sites like deeper wrecks and reef walls. Unlike shallower dives, deep dives tend to be shorter and air supply is limited as you know the deeper you go the less your air lasts.

The philosophy of the deep diver course is to focus on making smart decisions for a stress free, deep dive experience with an emphasis on safety, thus the goal is to bring to light the necessary equipment needed to support the deeper dive, discourage thrill seekers attitudes and encourage the proper deep dive behaviour of following limits.

There is no exam but there is a Knowledge Review to complete.

The Deep Diver Course allows you to dive to between 18 and 40 metres [60 – 130 feet], it will consist of four open water dives over a two day period.

Minimum 15 years old
PADI Adventure Diver or PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Dry Suit Diver Course

Why dive dry?- no one said that diving had to be cold or wet!

Dry diving is the difference of withstanding the 4 degrees Centigrade temperature of some waters to enjoy watching a 3 inch scallop bead like eyes spangle the edges of a brightly coloured mantle.

It is the difference of witnessing the powerful jaws and grinding teeth of the wolf eel, hovering as a giant octopus propels himself by jetting water past his tentacles or simply not diving at all.

More often than not in colder waters dry suit diving can be the difference between not experiencing multiple dives in one day or making one chilly wet suit dive and have others tell you what you have missed.

The philosophy of the PADI Dry Suit Course is focusing on comfort diving in a dry suit.

The goal is to show you all the factors of dry suit diving. The course covers different types of dry suits, techniques for buoyancy control, getting in and out of a dry suit, dry suit maintenance and storage.

Knowledge Reviews to be completed but no exam.

2 open water dives

Minimum age of 10 years
PADI Open Water Diver [Jr]

Emergency Oxygen Provider Course

Oxygen, water and food are fundamentally important to all animals. Of these three basic essentials for the maintenance of life, the lack of oxygen leads to death most rapidly.

First aid with emergency oxygen is useful or necessary as a treatment for many injuries, diseases and intoxications that interfere with oxygen reaching the blood or tissues.

For recreational scuba divers, emergency oxygen is the primary first aid given to individuals suffering from near drowning or decompression illness, [lung over expansion injuries or decompression sickness], first responders need to know how to administer oxygen immediately.

This course also teaches the recognition of diving illness treatable by emergency oxygen.

There are no dives for this course, there are Knowledge Reviews to complete and a practical session to show you how to set up and use emergency oxygen.



There are no prerequisites or age limits for this course.

Enriched Air Course

In this course you will learn “What is enriched air?”

What is the primary, benefit, how enriched air affects no stop times, what are the considerations that enriched air has that normal breathing air doesn’t?

These are just a few of the questions that completing the PADI Enriched Air Course can answer plus many more.

There are two ways of conducting the course, one is classroom based with simulated dive planning, the other is classroom with two open water dives.

There are Knowledge Reviews and an exam.

PADI Open Water Diver
Minimum age is 15

Navigation Course

Early Polynesian navigators routinely crossed thousands of miles of the open ocean in outrigger canoes, using only their senses and knowledge.

They used navigational clues such as specific stars, weather, wildlife species, directions of the swells of the currents, colours of the sea/ sky, angles of approaching harbours to navigate from a boat.

Despite covering a lot of ground and more than an hour underwater, scuba divers successfully reach their intended mark by integrating navigation and the skill of using a compass.

The goal of the PADI Navigation Course is to focus on fun and challenging underwater navigation dives with the emphasis on safety.

You will be taught a systematic methodical approach to enjoy underwater navigation, expanding your knowledge about environmental clues to help navigate, how to use a compass, patterns to aid navigation and different navigational instruments.

There is a Knowledge Review to complete
The course consists of 3 Open Water Dives.

Minimum age of 10 years
PADI Open Water Diver [Jr]

Night Diver Course

Imagine hovering over a large pumpkin size brain coral watching a group of parrot fish, easily 3-4 feet long, each trying to sleep, they pay no attention to you! They lower their heads under the reef ledge, secrete a mucous sack which envelops their bodies like a bubble. These creatures would not normally give you the time of day but night time changes their behaviours.

Whatever your motivation to dive at night you will find the environment very different.

In the PADI Night Diver Course you will learn to focus on seeing in the dark the things you miss in the daylight or that appear differently.

The goal of the course is to learn a methodical approach to safely enjoy diving at night.

You will expand knowledge on night diving equipment, conditions, dive lights, night time navigation and techniques.

There is a Knowledge Review to complete and 3 Open Water dives


Minimum age of 12 years
PADI Open Water Diver [Jr]

Peak Performance Buoyancy Course

Polish your buoyancy control beyond the Open Water Diver level to be more efficient, saving air and energy, helping you avoid damaging the aquatic life environment.

The course philosophy and goals are to expand and refresh your knowledge of buoyancy fundamentals, have your position and distribution of weight for comfort and desired body position [trim] in the water, have you practice visualisation techniques prior to dives, review the importance of and have divers practice buoyancy checks, establish neutral buoyancy during all segments of a dive, fine tune neutral buoyancy underwater and hover effortlessly.

The course consists of a Knowledge Review section to complete and 2 Open Water dives.

Minimum age of 10 years
PADI Open Water Diver [Jr]

Search & Recovery Diver Course

There are many factors which can affect the success and failure of any search and recovery underwater, surface conditions, visibility underwater, depth, bottom topography and composition, vegetation, surges, accessibility, currents, accuracy of bearing, water temperature, pollution, obstacles and hazards.

The weight and size of the object you are retrievng can also have an affect as well.

Good organisation is one aspect you will need to overcome these factors.

You will use recovery methods and search patterns and you will develop techniques involved in locating and retrieving lost objects, either both big or small without damaging or disturbing aquatic life.

Minimum of 4 Open Water Dives to practice learned skills.


Minimum age of 12 years
PADI Open Water Diver [Jr]

Wreck Diver Course

You are diving to 18 metres of crystal clear water, you can see her laying there, a wounded bird, with fractured wings and her engines gone.

A B-52 bomber. The cockpit escape hatch is open, clearly the pilot ditched her.

You can watch the aquatic life swim and dance through the wreck and the parrot fish dining on the coral.

Wreck diving appeals to most divers but for different reasons.

The goal of this course is to teach you a systematic methodical approach to enjoying wreck diving.

You will develop techniques involved in wreck diving.

The philosophy of this course is to expand your knowledge about wreck diving law, hazards to avoid, researching the wreck, wreck diving equipment and the basics of penetrating a wreck.

The course consists of a Knowledge Review to complete and 4 Open Water dives

Minimum age of 15 years
PADI Adventure Diver

Emergency First Response Primary Care [CPR] Course

This course covers foundational emergency care for most threatening situations.

CPR and first aid skills are integrated into an easy to remember emergency care sequence which allows you to provide effective emergency care to the ill or injured as a lay provider. 

The course also covers secondary patient assessment and first aid, this teaches you how to conduct patient head to toe evaluations, allowing you to determine the extent of an illness or injury.

You will learn both injury and illness assessment sequences which help prepare information for ems.

The first aid portion of the course teaches you to support and care for specific disabilities, injuries and illnesses found when you complete a secondary patient assessment.

The goals for EFR course is to

  • Increase access to CPR education, increase effectiveness and efficiency of teaching, improves skills learning and reduces the barriers for basic life support providers.
  • Improves positive learning
  • Integrating your participation with independent study

There are no age restrictions on the course and there are no prerequisites. Even non-divers are welcome!

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3 + 11 =

Eastpoint Scuba
Co/ Nirvana Gym
60 Pinbush Road
NR33 7NL

T: 01502 562135
M: 07970 870685

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